
Create new reports

  1. Click Reports in the left side navigation.
  2. Click New Report in the top right corner to start a new deck, or hit +New Report in the bottom left corner.
  3. Click the Add Section button and choose from the list of options
  4. Text Block and Image Block allow you to type or bring in your own information.
  5. All other options will allow you easily pull in any Bookmarks you have already made.

Share reports

  1. Click the Reports tab in the left side navigation.
  2. Select a report to share from the stories workspace by clicking on the title.
  3. Click Copy Link in the top right corner to share your story with collaborators.
  4. Password protect your work using the lock icon in the top right corner. Type in your password, and be sure to share this password with collaborators when you share the link with them.

Manage reports

  1. Click the Reports tab in the left side navigation. Here you will see stories that have been built in your workspace. View the name, creator, and date listed here. Learn how to build reports.
  2. Copy a report using the clipboard icon on the right of the workspace.
  3. Click the three vertical dots to delete a report.

Search, filter, & sort reports

  1. Click the filter icon in the top left corner to organize results by owner.
  2. Search through report names using the search bar in the top right corner.
  3. The Report Name and Date Added buttons will categorize findings alphabetically or by date.

Visit the bookmarks guide to learn how to create stories from bookmarks.

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